Vampire Spit Extra Strong Poppers 30ml

CHF 18.90








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The VAMPIRE SPIT Extra Strong Poppers 30ml will turn you into a brutal vampire of the night. With our extra strong VAMPIRE SPIT Poppers you will become a persistent, sucking night creature.

It contains the alkyl nitrite with the name hexyl nitrite, which is classified as the least harmful to health. The VAMPIRE SPIT Poppers is one of the stronger varieties on the market with a strength of 6 and is available in a 30ml bottle with an easy-to-open cap. Expand your sensual boundaries and feel the supernatural powers of the vampire within you.

Bottle shape

Thread size


Oxymoron AG





Hexyl nitrite (UFI V300-A06S-K00V-G02P): New nitrite from the manufacturer Lockerroom in Canada. This nitrite is used for some of the 30ml bottles produced by the manufacturer Lockerroom. Same or less harmful to health like pentyl nitrite. That is why we offer products with Hexyl nitrite as well.

6 reviews for Vampire Spit Extra Strong Poppers 30ml

  1. EN


    Your products are always AMAZING! Your USA site will not open for me.

  2. DE


    I love them.

  3. EN

    Goran Jocić (verified owner)

    This. Is. It. One of the best poppers I’ve ever tried. It is suitable for achieving extra pleasure during sex but it also popped at making party started. I would recomend it to enyone who has at least a bit of experience with poppers so that you can now achieve an even greater experience 10/10

  4. EN

    Pup Shun

    Definitely one of the best poppers!
    While I was in front of the PC ready for a pp training I immediately took two hits.
    Boom! A really strong rush, tongue out and I was ready to goon! The training session lasted ten minutes and I got up to 12 consecutive hits before exploding everywhere! Recommended for strong popperbators! 💪🏻 no blue lips is a +

  5. EN

    Christian Locher (verified owner)

    I was allowed to try “Vampire”. It doesn’t sting your nose and gives you a pleasant flash. Even better with the inhaler. Then I couldn’t resist testing it in the gas mask. It feels absolutely amazing! Less strong than conventional poppers. They were almost too strong.

  6. DE

    Luc Dudás (verified owner)

    Hab das ein paar Mal getestet. Angenehmer Geruch, nicht beissend. Wirkung lässt etwas schneller nach als bei anderen, Stärke eher 4-5 auf der 6er Skala. Eignet sich hervorragend für in die Gasmaske, macht kein Kopfweh danach. Und noch etwas generell: die beigelegten Flyer zum Gebrauch und zu den Gesundheitsrisiken sind super, erstmalig, dass ich sowas erhalte! Die zeugt von seriösen Menschen dahinter, ein grosses Bravo!

  7. DE

    Sören (verified owner)

    Das Vampire ist wirklich ein richtig gutes Poppers. Der Name ist mal so richtig Programm. Inhaliert und jede Latte wird noch attraktiver, da will man nur noch blasen blasen blasen. 😈
    Im Ernst, die Lust kickt richtig. Hab das im Club ausprobiert und die „Latten-Inhaber“ hatten dank meiner gekickten Lust richtig ne geile Zeit.
    Da es echt stark ist, seid etwas vorsichtig, aber dann habt ihr richtig Spaß. 😜😎
    Wirkt nicht zu kurz und kann auch gut nachgezogen werden.

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