The prevention of health risks and accidents with poppers also includes the active protection of minors. Only those who have reached a certain age can realistically and calculatedly assess the risks of poppers consumption.
As with alcohol or tobacco, there are clear legal regulations for the sale of chemicals. Certain ingredients of poppers may only be sold to persons over the age of 18. In order to comply with this regulation, an age check in the online store is mandatory. We introduced the age verification function in our online store back in 2022. In the interests of comprehensive protection of minors, we also decided in 2022 that all new customers in our online store who are resident in Switzerland must undergo age verification. This age check is carried out either automatically on the basis of the relevant Swiss ID card or after a copy of the ID has been sent to our customer service by e-mail.

In our opinion, a simple age query on the website with a pop-up “I am over 18 years old” is not sufficient, as this message can easily be clicked on by anyone.
What does the age structure of our customers actually look like? In 2023, we surveyed the age structure of our customers for the first time as part of a customer survey. As can be seen in the diagram below, all age groups are represented in the customer base. People under the age of 20 make up a very small proportion of our clientele, accounting for less than 3%.

We are convinced that we are making a significant contribution to product safety and the protection of minors in the poppers sector in Switzerland with our prevention and education measures and our age verification in the online store.