Poppers, the small brown bottles with a special effect, can be found almost everywhere men have sex with men. It is above all the effect properties that make poppers a loyal companion for many men. On a date, a visit to the disco or an evening in a trendy club: you are sure to find poppers in some pocket of your pants or jacket. Have you never tried poppers before and need information on the effects of poppers? We have compiled the most important facts for you.
Poppers effect: What happens in the body?
The most important characteristic is that poppers work extremely quickly. The reason for this is the fact that the poppers vapors enter the bloodstream directly via your respiratory tract. As quickly as the effect of poppers starts, it also wears off again. They usually only last a few minutes, which makes them popular for a quick “kick”.

Despite the short time in which poppers take effect, quite a lot happens in your body. The most important effects caused by poppers include
- Muscle relaxation: Especially in the smooth muscles (including the sphincter), which can make poppers particularly helpful during anal intercourse.
- Vasodilatation: This leads to a sudden drop in blood pressure, which causes a feeling of warmth and often triggers mild dizziness.
- Feeling of euphoria: Many users report a short, intense “high”, often accompanied by a greater sense of pleasure and overall increased sensitivity.
In addition to the aforementioned effects, undesirable effects such as headaches, nausea or palpitations can also occur. The short duration of the effect of a maximum of 5 minutes with a single inhalation of the vapors (very rarely a 10-minute “high” is reported) is not a disadvantage for many users, but is often perceived as a particularly cool kick.
Can the effect of poppers be prolonged?
This can actually work if you inhale the poppers repeatedly or make sure that you constantly breathe in the poppers vapors. The latter is achieved by using special poppers masks that allow you to inhale the vapors with every breath. Note: Poppers masks are not suitable for beginners.
If you use poppers with a higher strength level, you cannot increase the duration, but you can increase the intensity of the effect. Poppers are available in strengths from 1 to 6, with poppers with a strength of 6 having the most intense effect. They are very often used for deep anal play such as fisting. At strength level 3, the effect is moderate, which is why they are particularly suitable as entry-level variants for beginners. Poppers with strength grades 1 and 2 are not usually offered.
What role the ingredients play in the duration of action
The duration of the poppers’ effect and the effect itself depend very much on the different nitrites contained in the various poppers. The following nitrites are normally used in poppers:
- Amyl Nitrite
- Pentyl Nitrite
- Isopropyl Nitrite
- Hexyl Nitrite
- n-Pentanol Nitrite
Amyl nitrite: It develops its very good poppers effect immediately after inhalation. Compared to the other types of nitrite, the effect of amyl nitrite lasts longer. Its effect usually starts immediately after inhalation.
Pentyl nitrite: Poppers based on pentyl nitrite also develop a strong effect immediately after consumption. In terms of the duration of the poppers’ effect, pentyl nitrite has the advantage that vaporization takes place more slowly. Its vapors take twice as long as the other nitrites.
Isopropyl nit rite: Isopropyl nitrite is considered to be the variant that has one of the strongest poppers effects. Isopropyl nitrite starts its effect very quickly and violently. However, isopropyl is carcinogenic. We therefore distance ourselves clearly from isopropyl and do not offer poppers with isopropyl.
Hexyl nitrite: This variant is relatively new and is characterized by the fact that it is odourless, non-toxic and also safer for the environment and your health. For example, you won’t feel a burning sensation if it comes into contact with your skin or eyes. The effect of poppers with hexyl nitrite starts a little later, but lasts longer and is stronger.
n-Pentanol nitrite: The hybrid poppers, produced on the basis of n-pentyl nitrite and n-pentanol, have a particularly intensive stimulating effect. The special feature of this variant is the combination of the two molecules mentioned. It creates synergies in the effects. The n-pentanol has energizing and stimulating properties that enhance the euphoric effect of the poppers and can extend the duration of the effect.
What side effects can poppers have?
It has been proven that poppers are largely harmless when used correctly, responsibly and in moderation. In our blog post, you can find out everything you need to know about the health risks and side effects of poppers.
How does the poppers work best?
To get the full benefit of the poppers effect, you need to inhale the vapors escaping from the opened bottle. To do this, hold the poppers bottle directly under your nostrils (preferably alternately) and inhale deeply through your nose. This allows them to enter your lungs and begin their “work”.
Manufacturers have come up with a few gadgets to make inhaling more comfortable. For example, you can use a poppers booster cap, which allows you to inhale the poppers in both nostrils at the same time. There are also booster caps for one nostril. The XTRM Beast creates an even more intense kick, as the poppers can mix even better with the air before inhalation. Discover the world of our comprehensive poppers accessories.